Service Detail

Military Transport

Why Choose Bergen Auto Transport for Military Cargo?

Certified to handle dangerous goods and dangerous containers

Cargo delivery to remote destinations

Multimodal and intermodal transportation strategies

Access to a global shipping network

24/7 online tracking

Unbeatable customer service

Ability to operate under tight deadlines

Experts in heavy haul and OOG shipping – no size or weight restrictions

Import and export documentation management

IATA and TSA certified

We work with local transportation authorities when necessary to get the job done

Air charters and exclusive-use vehicles available

Turnkey transportation services

Military logistics involves careful planning, secure shipping and transportation on a global scale. Transportation services for the military also involves the management of heavy lift and heavy haul project shipping, and under tight deadlines. When it comes to military shipping, it’s often necessary to move cargo to remote destinations. These unique operations require the flexibility of transportation options by air, land, sea and waterways and often intermodal transportation to get the job done. Transporting helicopters, tanks, fighter planes and other oversized cargo across the world requires the knowledge and expertise of an experienced and trustworthy freight forwarder.

Bergen Auto Transport has a proven track record of delivering oversized shipments on time and within budget across the world for the U.S. Military. Our vast global freight forwarding network, experienced and trustworthy staff and customer service make us the right choice for major military transportation projects.

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